Trainee Profile: Francesco Usai

Francesco Usai is close to completing his PhD in neuroscience. As a trainee in Dr. Newman’s lab, Francesco’s main area of research focuses on language disorders stemming from brain diseases or injury, resulting in aphasia, a condition where people’s ability to communicate is affected.

Francesco incorporates exercises specific to the type of aphasia a person may have, as it may impact aspects of language, writing, repetition or comprehension.

“I’m building software that can be used by people that have aphasia to do exercises that help their [ability to communicate],” he said. Through these therapies, he aims to help people maintain their ability to communicate, for as long as possible.

Francesco completed his undergraduate and graduate degrees in biomedical engineering in Italy, which gave him a diverse knowledge of various disciplines of science, including developing algorithms. This further led him to his studies in neuroscience and software development.

Francesco first moved to Halifax in 2014 to pursue a PhD at Dalhousie. He also dedicated some time volunteering for Aphasia Nova Scotia, a nonprofit organization and advocacy group. There, he helped people with aphasia through exercises, which underlies his passion and dedication to those with aphasia. Francesco now resides in Switzerland, where he’ll be completing his studies remotely. He is also studying German as he further expands his multi-lingual abilities.

After completing his studies, Francesco is looking to start a career in academia or industry.


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